$50 fee to mark the site for grave marker placement
Make checks payable to Hillcrest Cemetery Association and mail to: Pat Frederick, 225430 County Road D, Birnamwood WI 54414-5041
Burial fee - Winter - $650 plus thawing costs
Burial fee - Spring/Summer/Fall - $550
Winter Urn Burial - $150
Hillcrest Cemetery Rules and Regulations:
Lot owners may plant flowers and shrubs on each grave space provided they do not interfere with the adjoining lot or lots or grave spaces. Shepherd hooks, planters and other decorations are to be placed tightly against monument. Large trees and shrubs are prohibited.
The Association or lawn care service has the right to remove any uncared for or unsightly foliage.
No glass items, aluminum cans or bottles, alcoholic beverages, food items or food containers maybe left at the grave sites at any time.
Plastic and silk decorations must be removed by October 15.
Christmas decorations including wreaths must be removed by April 15.
One full burial and one urn burial per single plot or two urn burials per single plot are allowed.
All plots are sold with perpetual care. Perpetual care includes cutting of the grass, removal of leaves, removal of debris, and keeping up the graves. Perpetual care does not include the cleaning or leveling of monuments, placing of flowers on graves, watering of flowers or maintenance of graveside decorations.
No picnics, parties, refreshments, or liquor are allowed in the cemetery.
Please report any theft of decorations or other criminal behavior to the Marathon County Sheriff.
Green burials are allowed but must be approved by the Association.
Lots are inalienable after an interment while the person is buried except with the consent of the Association.
One or more heirs may release their interest in any lot to any other heir. When owners desire to sell, they shall first offer to sell to the Association.
Heir ownership of grave spaces shall be: surviving spouses, children, grandchildren or people designated in a will. If there are no known heirs in the vicinity and no contact has been made with the Association, after 20 years, the space will revert back to the Association.
Property damage repairs to the cemetery grounds or any physical property will be billed to the responsible party.
All burials must be authorized by the Association prior to internment.
In addition to the rules and regulations set forth herein, Chapter 57 of Wisconsin state statutes regarding the “Disposition of Human Remains” shall apply.
Contact Person PAT FREDERICK Phone: (715) 449-2418 225430 County Road D Birnamwood WI 54414-5041
Annual Hillcrest Cemetery Meeting
First Saturday in April at Norrie Town Hall
Cemetery Records and a Map of the Cemetery can be viewed online.
Donations for flowers and other cemetery needs are welcome. Please make checks payable to Hillcrest Cemetery Association and mail to Pat Frederick at her address.